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Acer Introduces A New Kind Of Wearable For Religious Practice

Related Topics: Religion, New Kind, Acer Inc., Knee

We’ve all seen athletes point to the heavens, get down on a knee, and profess their faith after a big score or athletic feat. What if those athletes had specialized wearables that afforded them some time for a quick prayer amidst the constant energy and hubbub of a sporting event?

Acer is looking to provide that brief religious respite with chargeable prayer beads designed for Buddhists that will count mantras for them, according to a report Thursday from Gadgets and Wearables. With over 500 million Buddhists across the world, the report said, it would appear Acer is tapping into a large customer base (although the Leap Beads, as they’re called, are currently sold only to Buddhist religious organizations in Taiwan).