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Maximum Levels of Frustration

Ugh! Watching Sporting Kansas City matches recently makes me think of one word…..ugh! Okay if I’m honest there may be a few other words I could think of, but we’ll stick with ugh. It feels like right now we, as fans, have reached maximum levels of frustration!

Meriam-Webster defines frustration as “a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs” or “having an ambition that has not been realized”. That seems about right. We could feel ok with the draws and the losses if we knew that our team was just not good enough, the pieces weren’t there, the talent was mediocre, but I think that we are frustrated because we believe that the pieces are there and Sporting is good enough, but there are unresolved problems and an ambition that has not been realized.