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West Ham boss David Moyes is thankful that Premier League fans are still allowed to attend matches this festive season despite lockdown fears... as the Hammers prepare to face Southampton on Boxing Day

West Ham fans will have to rework their song for the manager on Sunday as there will be two David Moyes at the London Stadium.

Moyes will be accompanied by his Dad, also called David, for the family-friendly Boxing Day clash with Southampton and both are therefore relieved the Premier League is continuing in front of packed crowds.

The Scottish manager was worried the Premier League would follow the crowd restrictions recently imposed north of the border and in Wales.

David Moyes is happy fans are still able to go to Premier League games despite lockdown fears
Matches in Scotland and Wales are being played behind closed doors this festive season

Matches in Scotland and Wales are being played behind closed doors this festive season

Moyes admits he will follow the advice of the medical experts, but revealed: 'What I do know is my dad comes to games and I'd really hope the people he's sitting around are all vaccinated.