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Brendan Rodgers DROPS James Maddison, Ayoze Perez and Hamza Choudhury for Leicester's crunch top four clash with West Ham in mysterious circumstances, with the Foxes boss coy over the reason for their absence

Brendan Rodgers remained coy over why he dropped James Maddison, Ayoze Perez and Hamza Choudhury for Leicester City's trip to West Ham on Sunday.

The trio were surprise absentees from the Foxes' matchday squad at the London Stadium for the Sunday afternoon kick-off which was crucial to their Champions League qualification hopes.

Rodgers confirmed that Maddison and Perez will rejoin the squad next week and will be in contention for their FA Cup semi-final with Southampton the following Sunday.

Brendan Rodgers remained coy in explaining why James Maddison, Ayoze Perez and Hamza Choudhury were absent for Leicester City's trip to West Ham on Sunday
Choudhury (left) and Maddison and Perez (third left and second right) did not travel to London

The Leicester City manager told Sky Sports before the clash with the Hammers: '(They are) not available for this game.