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WATCH: Animated Parody of Barcelona’s 6-1 Comeback Against PSG

Barcelona’s miracle 6-1 triumph over Paris Saint-Germain sent shockwaves across the world and prompted noted football cartoonist R4six to produce a funny animated parody.

Watch for the following gags:

  • PSG Goalkeeper Kevin Trapp as Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars (known for his catchphrase “It’s a trap!”)
  • Barcelona’s starting XI consists of Chrissy Teigen in goal and 11 players named “Not Gomes”
  • The banner in the stands that says “With Douglas we wouldn’t even need to have a comeback.”
  • Luis Enrique’s tactics chalkboard which says: “send balls to Leo, Ney and Lucho” and “don’t put Gomes in the starting XI.