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Valcke protests innocence over alleged 10 million dollar bribe

Jerome Valcke, FIFA's secretary general, insists he is innocent over allegations he was involved in an illegal $10 million payment.

FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke has distanced himself from allegations he was involved in a 10 million dollar payment to secure the 2010 World Cup for South Africa.

Last week, United States Department of Justice alleged the sum was paid as a bribe, with the New York Times reporting FIFA secretary general Valcke was responsible for transferring the funds to CONCACAF - then led by the indicted Jack Warner.

FIFA, rocked after president Sepp Blatter announced on Tuesday that he intends to step down in the wake of the corruption scandal that has engulfed the world governing body, subsequently denied the allegations and Valcke followed suit on Wednesday in an interview with France Info radio.