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The Bulls**t-O-Meter: Ranking How Ridiculous May's Transfer Rumours Really Are

It has been a season well and truly packed with transfer ridiculousness, and we are now on the cusp of a summer which promises to build on that, and blow every transfer record that has ever existed into pieces.

Depending on who you believe, as many as five major European clubs are overhauling their entire squads as a knee-jerk reaction to differing levels of success. This, as you should really expect at this stage, has sprouted no shortage of rumours and speculation, and very little of it takes any time to account for logic or reason.

So, with that in mind, there has never been a better time to bring the old Bulls**t-o-Meter out of the cupboard for the first time since January, and use it to make sense of a select few from the raft of 'news' that has come to fore over the last four weeks or so.