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Talking point: Mauro Icardi returns to help Inter thump 4-0 against Genoa

Inter opened up a four point lead over rivals AC Milan as they consolidated third place, with the return of the prodigal son; Mauro Icardi

While it can be said that Roberto Gagliardini was Inter's most impressive player, the Nerazzurri's 4-0 win over Genoa was overshadowed by Mauro Icardi's return to the team.

Icardi's inclusion in the team was sure to split opinions but there can be no doubt, that Luciano Spalletti's decision was surely justified as the former captain scored one and assist one.

Although the whole Icardi saga has dominated Inter's corridors for some time, last night's performance at the Marassi will give fans something positive to talk about, as they now have a four point lead over fourth place, AC Milan.