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Real Madrid Transfer News: Latest Robert Lewandowski, Cristiano Ronaldo Rumours

Real Madrid have a great chance to finally sign Bayern Munich star Robert Lewandowski, according to reports. Los Blancos see the Polish striker as a potential replacement for discontented Cristiano Ronaldo, having already tried to sign him twice.

Those attempts failed, but there are now reasons to believe Madrid can at last get their man, according to Citing sources in Poland, the report states how Lewandowski's agent, Cezary Kucharski, is adamant his client will eventually seal a big move away from the Bundesliga.

Lewandowski is also said to be keen on the financial rewards and prestige available in Spain's top flight:

No matter what happens, 'Lewy’s' career will not end at Bayern Munich, they say; Secondly, after the Balón d’Ór voting, the on-fire striker has realized that la Liga is the most popular platform on the planet to play the game.