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Radja Nainggolan Hits Back at Italian Media's 'Invented' Reports of Thigh Injury Via Twitter

Related Topics: Radja Nainggolan, Thigh, Injury, Italy, Report

Inter midfielder Radja Nainggolan has hit out at new reports suggesting he is injured, taking to Twitter to inform the world that such reports are 'invented.'

The midfielder's statement comes after some Italian media outlets took his 78th minute substitution against Bologna at the weekend as meaning the Belgian is suffering from an injury, rather than just the precaution it was expected to be.

The tweet translates to "Thigh problems? And they're worrying? It's incredible what they can invent."

'They' in this instance, is thought to refer to newspaper outlet La Gazzetta dello Sport, among other Italian media, who reported on the 'injury' in the immediate aftermath of Inter's win over Bologna, in which Nainggolan made his debut and opened the scoring.