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Puyol sends touching message to Pique after Barcelona defender announces his retirement

Related Topics: Carles Puyol, Gerard Piqué

Carles Puyol has sent a touching message to Gerard Pique after the defender announced on Thursday he was hanging up his boots.

The timing of the center-back’s announcement has come as a real surprise and Puyol admits he’s shocked to see his old friend calling it a day.

“Geri thank you for everything I am in shock,” he wrote on Instagram. “It has been very unfair to you, few have defended the Barça shirt like you have. I will always be able to explain that I played alongside you, a privilege. I love you my friend.”

Pique’s final match will be on Saturday against Almeria and will surely be an emotional affair as the 35-year-old says goodbye to the club that he loves.