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OAP Dived 'Like Cristiano Ronaldo' in 'Row over Garden Shears'

Related Topics: Cristiano Ronaldo, Pensioner

A pensioner has been cleared of assaulting his neighbour and fellow OAP, Frank Cation, in a row that saw the 67-year-old compared to Cristiano Ronaldo because he took a dive.

82-year-old Douglas Eglan was in the dock after Cation claimed he had spat on him, "repeatedly pushed him and made him fall over," per the Daily Record.

However, Eglan was cleared after CCTV footage of the incident was shown.

Dundee sheriff John Rafferty noted that Cation dove in a way "that would earn a Premiership footballer a yellow card."

Prosecutor John Adams added, "Ronaldo would have been proud of it.