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Judge Dismisses Cristiano Ronaldo Sexual Assault Lawsuit Filed by Kathryn Mayorga

U.S. District Judge Jennifer Dorsey dismissed a civil lawsuit filed by former model Kathryn Mayorga concerning rape allegations from 2009 against Manchester United forward Cristiano Ronaldo because of "bad faith" actions by her attorney, Leslie Mark Stovall.

Ken Ritter of the Associated Press reported Dorsey ruled Friday the case couldn't proceed because evidence used by Mayorga's legal team was obtained through stolen or leaked documents, including communication between Ronaldo and his attorneys.

"I find that the procurement and continued use of these documents was bad faith, and simply disqualifying Stovall will not cure the prejudice to Ronaldo because the misappropriated documents and their confidential contents have been woven into the very fabric of Mayorga's claims," Dorsey said.