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Is United Passions the worst movie of all time? FIFA propaganda film paints Blatter as a bastion of morality

REVIEW: FIFA's self-produced biopic is a piece of cringe-worthy propaganda utterly lacking in subtlety - a film that depicts Sepp Blatter as a good man fighting evil.

When Sepp Blatter famously described FIFA as a “not-for-profit” organization, he was widely ridiculed by people the world over. How could the president of a body that has a billion dollar-plus cash reserve and makes outrageous sums of money from World Cups, video games and sponsorship deals with adidas, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Visa say such a thing?

It now turns out that he was right. FIFA may indeed make money, but it also plows vast amounts of it into overwrought film projects which quickly become running jokes.