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Copa América Daily: Qatar impress, Suárez dominates

Do you know Félix Sánchez? He’s a former Barcelona youth coach who just masterminded the most impressive performance of the 2019 Copa América. His Qatar side came back from 2-0 down to earn a giant point against Paraguay, but it’s not just the result. The truly impressive part is the performance: Qatar were awesome on Sunday, playing a beautiful style of short passing and constant movement.

They built from the back, their “long balls” were just 20-yard passes along the ground in between the lines, and they kept going forward looking to score. Going down 2-0 didn’t scare or change their mindset one bit, and Qatar played a brand of football that would make every Juego de Posición purist smile from ear to ear while also scoring goals and achieving the result, which makes fans of any style happy.