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Barcelona striker search targets Jović, Dolberg, Werner, Gómez, Piątek - report

FC Barcelona continue their search for a young striker to eventually replace Luis Suárez. This week, we are hearing about a list of young forwards the team is keeping tabs on for the near future. According to Mundo Deportivo’s Francesc Aguilar, Luka Joviu0107, Kasper Dolberg, Timo Werner, Maxi Gómez, and Krzysztof Piu0105tek are on the short list for Barça.

Of them, perhaps it is Joviu0107, who plays for Eintracht Frankfurt, who heads the list.

“If it depended on the technical reports and Barça’s scouting,” Aguilar writes, “Joviu0107 would be the nine to recruit.