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Aucho: Ugandan midfielder files for termination of Misr El-Makkasa contract

Ugandan midfielder Khalid Aucho has filed for the termination of his contract with Egyptian Premier League side Misr El-Makkasa over salary issues.

Quoting an Australian based intermediary Stevenson Kakooza, Kawowo Sports reports the midfielder has decided to end his Egyptian stay with side Misr El-Makkasa for a delay in salaries for seven months now.

“[Khalid] Aucho is filing for the termination of the contract because he demands seven unpaid months with the amount coming to USh300M,” Kakooza said as was quoted by Kawowo Sports.

Aucho was among the Ugandan stars that made a move just after featuring in the Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) finals in Egypt in 2019.