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Texas A&M reserve QB Conner McQueen is 'like a rock star'

COLLEGE STATION, Texas -- With 69 seconds remaining and Texas A&M putting a 42-point victory over New Mexico State to bed, third-string quarterback Conner McQueen jogged onto the field for Saturday's final series.

The remaining Aggies fans let out excited cheers, and when McQueen ran for 9 yards on a quarterback keeper for the final play of the game, the roars from the Kyle Field stands rang even louder. Starting safety Donovan Wilson could be seen on the sideline, yelling in a high-pitched tone: "McQUEEN!!!"

"I may be a little crazy for this, but when he broke that run in the end and it seemed a little louder there than at any point in the season this year and there was maybe one-fourth of the fans," Aggie starting quarterback Trevor Knight said afterward.