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Seattle Sounders midfielder Jordy Delem starts, plays full 90 minutes in Martinque’s CONCACAF Nations League win over Antigua and Barbuda

Seattle Sounders midfielder Jordy Delem and Martinique defeated Antigua and Barbuda 4-2 on Thursday in their third of four CONCACAF Nations League qualifying matches. Martinque’s Stephane Abaul opened the scoring in the 12th minute before Antigua and Barbuda’s Myles Weston equalized five minutes later. Martinique then scored three unanswered goals from Sebastian Cretinoir, Christophe Jougon and former Sounder Kevin Parsemain before Antigua and Barbuda’s Quinton Griffith scored a consolation goal in the first minute of stoppage time.

Delem started and played the full 90 minutes for Les Matinino, who are 3-0 in CNL matches so far and in sixth place out of 34 teams.