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Major Link Soccer: Zinedine Zidane is back at Madrid

The F.B.I. Is Trying to Return Thousands of Stolen Artifacts, Including Native American Burial Remains | Smart News | Smithsonian
Five years after the F.B.I.'s six-day raid on a rural Indiana home, the agency is turning to the public for help identifying and repatriating the artifacts


Forward Madison’s new kits turn the creativity up to full-mingo - E Pluribus Loonum
All four jerseys are unique and fun designs.

Chalkboard: FC Dallas gets a full dose of Paxton Pomykal - Big D Soccer
The success or failure of FC Dallas in 2019 rests on Paxton’s shoulders

Using k-means to learn what soccer passing tells us about playing styles — American Soccer Analysis
When you talk about a soccer team, you almost always talk about its style: high-pressing, possession-heavy, parking-the-bus, etc.