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Major Link Soccer: Bienvenue á Paris, Leo Messi

Omitted from Team GB. Outlandishly igniting the NWSL. And in five weeks, she will begin her journey to help end Cymru Women’s 28-year wait for a place on the international stage. Jess Fishlock: Team GB’s Snub Igniting the NWSL — Welsh Football Fans

In partnership with one of Seattle’s top athletes, Seattle Sounders goalkeeper Stefan Frei, Novo Fogo will donate $100 to the Un-Endangered Forest project for each save made by Frei and his goalkeeping counterparts this season. The Art of the Keeper: Seattle Sounder Stefan Frei Partners with Novo Fogo Cachaca | Daily Blender

Paul Wulff, a college football coach, was only 12 when his mother vanished from their family home.