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Local gymnastics sensation Katelyn Ohashi opened Sunday’s match in signature style

For the most part, the ceremonial “Scarves Up” shortly before kickoff at every Seattle Sounders game is a pretty predictable. A person of varying levels of fame steps up to the mic, holds a scarf over their head and screams “Scarves Up Seattle” followed by the intro to Jimi Hendrix’s “All Along the Watchtower.”

Sunday’s rendition had some added flare. Seattle-native Katelyn Ohashi, who became a bit of an internet phenomenon after her perfect 10 floor routine with UCLA went viral, followed her “Scarves Up” presentation with what I’m told is a “round-off-back-handspring-back-handspring-back-handspring-back-tuck.” Making that mouthful of a trick more impressive was that she did it seemingly effortlessly while wearing jeans.