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Jermaine Jones’ first-half tackle was the big miss.

Related Topics: Jelle Van Damme

The Sounders left Carson, Calif. with one point after their 0-0 draw with the LA Galaxy. The Galaxy played the final few minutes down to 10 men after Jelle Van Damme picked up his second yellow of the night. However, Simon Borg feels that the Galaxy should have been playing with 10 men for all off the second half.

In this week’s Instant Replay, there were three incidents looked at by Borg. The first play looked at was Nouhou’s “tackle” on Romain Alessandrini in the first half. In the 31st minute, Nouhou and Alessandrini were in the penalty box and as Nouhou tried to make a play on the ball, Alessandrini went down with no contact.