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Jackson Ragen’s voice catching up to his physical stature

Related Topics: Jackson Ragen, Wade Webber

Jackson Ragen has always stood out in a crowd. The Seattle Sounders centerback checks in a 6-foot-6, easily the tallest player on the team and the second tallest outfield player in MLS (only Matthew Nocita, who’s listed as 6-foot-8, is taller). It has been that way for Ragen’s entire soccer career.

But for as much as Ragen’s physique has drawn attention, his personality didn’t always match.

Off the field, Ragen is relatively soft-spoken and humble. He does not seem particularly comfortable talking about himself and is quick to give credit to others. He exuded similar energy on the field, with Tacoma Defiance head coach Wade Webber once remarking that Ragen needed to improve his “stadium voice” in order to make the next progression in his career.