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2018 S2 player review: Direct signees

S2 had a whopping 41 different players take the pitch this season, so we’ll be breaking these evaluations up into easily identifiable groups.

Those groups are: Players on MLS contracts playing down, direct S2 signings, adult S2 players eligible for Homegrown Player deals, teen S2 players eligible for Homegrown Player deals, and Sounders Academy members with at least five appearances.

We continue our S2-review with players who were directly under S2 contracts, but are not eligible for Homegrown Player deals since they did not spend time as part of the Sounders Academy. Of all the groups that we’ll examine, these players will have the toughest shot of earning a first-team contract, since many of them would take up an international slot on the roster, are already adults and would take up cap space without a homegrown deal.