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Without Bruce Irvin, who can the Seahawks turn to for an improved pass rush?

Bruce Irvin isn't coming to save the day. And, besides Frank Clark and Jarran Reed, the Seahawks' other defensive linemen have contributed just 3.5 sacks in their team's first eight games. So who needs to step up against the Rams this weekend (and beyond)?

Bruce Irvin isn’t walking through that door.

Unless, of course, that door is in Atlanta.

On Wednesday, Irvin — a 31-year-old pass-rusher and former Seahawk Super Bowl champion — signed a one-year contract with the Atlanta Falcons, four days after he was released by the rapidly disintegrating Oakland Raiders. He opted for his hometown team over the franchise he spent the first four seasons of his career with, compiling 25 tackles for loss and 22 sacks along the way.