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Turning The Frown Upside-Down – Transitioning From The Seattle Mariners To The Seattle Seahawks

I adore this time of year. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the weather is still warm and amazing, yet the air smells a little different. It has certain crispness and promises of the autumn to come. Also, school is back! This means I will get a daily reprieve from my kids yelling at me about Big Hero 6 and Minions, and whether or not they can have their seventh snack in the last 20 minutes. I’ll be able to write this column without having to duck Legos flying at my head. I’m so excited!

As I’m on my once a month 15-minute jog, I notice a leaf or two falling from the trees … whispering that football is right around the corner and baseball is entering its exciting (for lots of other fans) home stretch.