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Top five things Seahawks offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer said Monday

During his weekly meeting with the media Monday, the Seahawks’ new offensive coordinator, Brian Schottenheimer, touched on why he likes to work from the sidelines, what he thought of the team’s backup quarterbacks in the opener against the Colts, and more.

Here are five things that stood out.

1. He wanted to see the Seahawks do better on third down Saturday against the Colts.

Schottenheimer liked the way the number one offense drove down the field for a touchdown to start the game.

But it was rocky from there as the Seahawks didn’t score another offensive touchdown the rest of the night and one reason was Seattle going just 2-10 on third downs (that includes the starters going 0-1, that coming on a third-and-16 on which Seattle got 15 yards to set up a fourth-down conversion on the next play.