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Seahawks mailbag: Why don’t they go no-huddle more? What happens now to Shaquem Griffin?

Also, what's up with C.J. Prosise?

Should the Seahawks run no-huddle? Has Shaquem Griffin been benched and what role does he play now? And what’s up with C.J. Prosise?

Those are among the questions in this week’s Seahawks mailbag (each of these are questions I got multiple versions of via Twitter or e-mail and I’m just condensing/editing/merging the questions to try to touch all bases of the topic):

Q: It seems like the Seahawks have a lot of success when they go up-tempo/no-huddle? Why don’t they do more of that?

A: Seattle did indeed jumpstart its offense Monday in Chicago when it went uptempo, first doing so on two plays at the end of the first half on a drive that ended in a field goal, and then again for most of the fourth quarter, when the Seahawks had two long touchdown drives.