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Remainder of Kenny Easley’s clipped Hall of Fame speech script honored women’s sports, journalist and Cortez Kennedy

Legendary Seattle Seahawks safety Kenny Easley officially entered the Pro Football Hall of Fame Saturday night, but not before a teleprompter miscue intercepted his speech short of the goal line. Easley finished gracefully after the malfunction, saying “... let’s get started ... bla bla bla bla bla bla bla my teleprompter just went out, so that means I have to stop. Good evening and thank you.”

Easley had just finished elaborating on his youth football programs in Virgina and he had earlier spent much of his time at the podium acknowledgements influences in his life and other great players—he singled out fellow Hall of Famer Ronnie Lott, as well as naming several all-time safeties, Seahawks and other NFL stars he felt belonged in the Hall and would eventually find their turn.