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NFL Wild Card weekend preview: Picking the winners of all 4 games and then some

This may be my last chance to promote my (other) football podcast on this site, so let me do that now!

Goofballs: A Football Podcast is myself and LA comedian/improviser Jonny Svarzbein inviting our funny friends on to talk about the NFL. This was our first season doing so and in the course of the first few months, we started to find the groove of what we really want to do here and what we really want to do is: talk seriously about football while goofing around about everything else!

This week is wild card weekend so myself, Jonny, and guest Jake Regal (who is a fan of BOTH the Packers and 49ers, if you can stomach that) break down all four wild card games, do some fun things, and then preview the whole playoff bracket right down to our Super Bowl picks.