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NFL Odds, Week 1: Seahawks vs. Rams, against the spread

Bam Bam. Here we go again. Only, there is no Bam Bam. Then again, I am writing this on Monday evening, allowing for this opening to date very quickly. Just this once, I hope it does.

(As we now know, it didn't. Bugger.)

Hello again, one and all (well, both of you) and yes, I've had the same Seahawk(y) offseason as each of you, naturally; nothing else to be said.

As wouldn't have gone unnoticed, I don't contribute to Field Gulls during the offseason, unlike some of the prolific scribes who do. The reason for it is that I'm simply not qualified to do so and it's difficult for me to ignore the old adage of stick to what you know.