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Crunching the numbers on NFC West rosters, Part One

Author’s note: Coming as zero surprise (because Murphy’s Law is real!), mere hours after I submitted this article, the Seahawks released Tamorrion Terry. Thus, let me start by stating that this entire series is based on the NFC West rosters as they were on June 25th. Go Hawks!

We are officially in the slowest part of the NFL calendar and Mother Nature has made it demonstrably worse by giving the Seattle area the first back-to-back-to-back days with temperatures above 100 degrees.

For FTR, that combination meant a Seahawks T-shirt, a pair of shorts he wouldn’t be caught dead in, an ergonomic chair with electric fans surrounding it, a portable AC unit by the corner of his desk, and a literal wall of monitors with a computer keyboard and a wireless mouse in front of him.