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As Richard Sherman’s outburst shows, Super Bowl XLIX loss still hangs over Seahawks

It had been 684 days — that’s 16,416 hours, or 984,960 minutes, or 59,097,600 seconds — since the most painful football moment any Seahawks player will ever experience.

You know the one. Super Bowl XLIX. Second-and-goal from the 1-yard line. Seahawks down by four, 26 seconds left. Russell Wilson pass intended for Ricardo Lockette, intercepted by New England’s Malcolm Butler. Hearts and souls crushed throughout the Northwest. Multiplied by infinity inside the Seahawks’ locker room.

Pete Carroll said afterward that the anguish from that misplay would be “lifelong,” a reality that he said hit him instantly, even as he was still trying to absorb what had just happened in the surreal aftermath.