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13-year-old cancer survivor set to announce Seahawks’ second-round pick Friday night

A few weeks ago, a representative from St. Jude’s Hospital asked Owen Church what his favorite football team was.

Church, a 13-year-old seventh-grader from Jonesboro, Ark., answered “the Seattle Seahawks.’’

And then, he forgot about the conversation.

“I didn’t think anything of it,’’ said Church.

He has conversations often with those who work at St. Jude’s. When he was 4, he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

“We really didn’t know what his future was going to be like,’’ said his father, Brian.

Now, nine years later, they have a better — and happier — idea as Owen Church is cancer free, thank in no small part, the family says, to treatment provided by St.