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Tom Wilhelmsen, Double Agent: An LL ExcLLusive

On November 17th, 2015, Tom Wilhelmsen was traded to the Texas Rangers as a part of a package for Leonys Martín and Anthony Bass. During his time with the Rangers, Wilhelmsen was one of the worst relief pitchers in recent memory with a 7.93 FIP and an ERA so dramatically high it didn’t matter if you trusted that stat or not. He was released on June 17th, 2016, and was re-signed by the Mariners on June 22nd. Since that time, his performance has been one of the keys to the Mariners’ continuing bid for the playoffs. Lookout Landing has acquired TOP-SECRET FILES indicating Wilhelmsen’s egregious struggles were in fact a double agent act orchestrated by Wilhelmsen and, it seems, fellow reliever Charlie Furbush.