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Mariners GameDay — March 6 vs. Oakland

HEY SHANNON, AS YOU KNOW…The Mariners turned a 5–2–3–2 triple play in Friday’s 2–2 tie…Jose Abreu of the Chicago White Sox hit a grounder to Seattle third baseman Donovan Walton, who fired it to catcher Brian O’Keefe, who transferred it to first baseman Jantzen Witte, who fired it back to O’Keefe…the triple play took place in the bottom of the 5th inning, but…DID YOU KNOW?…there have been 5 recorded 5–2–3–2 triple plays in Major League history, with the most recent one on June 12, 1955 when the Cubs turned it on the Dodgers…also occurred May 29, 1927 (St.