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Mariners CEO John Stanton understands anguish of fans as playoff drought continues

Related Topics: Mitch Haniger, Richie Sexson, Payroll

Will the Mariners spend big on a free agent? “I’d rather have a Mitch Haniger” than another payroll bust like Richie Sexson, Stanton suggests.

John Stanton was resolute when asked Wednesday what his expectations are for the 2018 season.

“To win. Make the playoffs,’’ he said without hesitation.

But the Mariners’ CEO is also savvy enough to understand that those words, and similar declarations of the team’s commitment to success, can “become hollow” (his phrase) with fans who have been waiting 16 seasons now for it to become a reality again.

“We’ve got to back those words up with action, both in terms of the decisions that Jerry (Dipoto, the general manager) makes and the decisions Scott (Servais, the manager) makes … but ultimately, it has to be backed up with results.