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Looking for a Watch Party for the PostSEAson? We’ve Got You Covered.

Related Topics: Seattle Mariners, Silverdale

As many Mariners fans are experiencing what it’s like to make the playoffs for the first time, nearly every Mariners fan is experiencing what it’s like to get to attend a banger of a PostSEAson Watch Party. Not that we didn’t have the technology in 2001 to host parties while we watch our team, we did, and bars still existed. But we didn’t have those Ultra HD 5,000K curved lactose-free low-sodium organic free-range screens. Nor did we have Twitter which is in and of itself its own Watch Party. A wild, wild west that Twitter is.

Below are some ways to find hotties/Mariners friends in your area to watch our team this PostSEAson:

If you’re in the Seattle area

The Seattle Mariners are opening up the main level as General Admission to fans who’d like to watch the game from the ballpark.