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Hold or fold: what should the Mariners do with Edwin Encarnacion?

My memories of seeing Edwin Encarnacion are not pleasant. Mostly, they’re of hundreds and hundreds of Blue Jays fans wearing inflatable parrots and shrieking when EE sent one out of Safeco (in 2016, his All-Star season, Edwing slashed .273/.385/.727 against Mariners pitching). During his six-year tenure with Toronto, Encarnación accumulated 23 fWAR, or an average of 3.8 per year.

In Cleveland, however, Encarnación never recaptured the old Edwin; the 3.3 fWAR he accumulated in two years there was less than his single-season total in all but one full season with Toronto. Now days away from his 36th birthday, Encarnación is doing what aging power hitters not named Nelson Cruz do, and declining, sharply.