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FanPost Friday: Biggest surprise and disappointment of the 2021 Seattle Mariners so far

Hello and welcome back to FanPost Friday, now with 50% more HEAT, and I’m not talkin’ hot takes here! (rim shot) But seriously, stay safe in the heatwave this weekend, folks!

Anyways, as of today the Mariners are five games away from the official halfway point of the 2021 season, so this week’s prompt is slightly premature, but we’ve still got enough of a sample size for the sake of this exercise.

MLB: Colorado Rockies at Seattle Mariners Stephen Brashear-USA TODAY Sports

In the comments below or in your own fancy FanPost, give me:

  1. The Mariners player who has surprised you the most so far in 2021
  2. The Mariners player who has been the biggest disappointment to you so far in 2021

Go back to the offseason (shudder) and Spring Training and think about your expectations from some of these players and how they’ve stacked up.