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Dancers defy gravity at Freestyle Flying competition

The 3rd edition of the Wind Games held last weekend at the Windoor Real Fly Wind Tunnel in Empuriabrava, set a milestone in history by introducing music to Indoor Freestyle Flying.

For the first time ever, thanks to a system specifically designed for this discipline, Freestyle competitors and the audience listened to the music simultaneously, while routines were performed at more that 300km/h.

The thrill and intensity that took place during the competition has gone well beyond the people who watched the event live and has since gone viral on social media.

Aida Rico, General Manager at Windoor Real Fly Wind Tunnel commented, "This video reflects the thrill felt by of all involved on the event and everyone who watched the astonishing choreography of Leo at Windoor and now all Cybernauts are enjoying online the show like all of us, who were lucky to witness it live, did.