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Astros’ sign-stealing scandal has rocked the game, but it might also be good for it

Truth No. 1: The Astros’ cheating scandal was as disgraceful as it was disgusting and will forever taint the careers of those involved. The intricacies of the deception were astounding. The lack of sincerity in the apologies was astonishing.

We’ve seen a bungled news conference from team owner Jim Crane, who said the cheating had no bearing on games’ outcomes. We’ve heard the tone-deaf address from Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred, who referred to the World Series trophy as a mere “piece of metal.”

We’ve entertained tattoo-related excuses surrounding second baseman Jose Altuve, watched a profanity-laced video from shortstop Carlos Correa, and observed what seems to be a new detail emerging every day.