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Angels stars, Mariners scrubs, Seattle loses 4-1

Look, everything sucks right now. Summer is MIA. Gas is expensive, the roads are snarled with construction, and plane travel is a nightmare, so you can’t go anywhere that’s not your own stupid town with its own stupid weather. The Mariners are playing an especially despicable brand of baseball right now. The state of the world is [gestures at everything]. Everything is bad, including for me personally, as the ‘rona finally caught up with me and I have spent this week feeling pretty lousy. I am going to hazard a guess that if you have clicked to read a Seattle Mariners recap about a 4-1 loss to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim California, things aren’t going great for you, either, or maybe you’re just morbidly curious about how the Mariners lost to the Angels, a team that has spent the last few weeks being the laughingstock of baseball after their fall from early-season grace.