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'A whipped up frenzy of smut inspired rage': Copy of lost anti-porn film found

PORTLAND, Ore. (KVAL) - Archivists discovered a 16mm print of the film "Pages of Death" at the Oregon Historical Society, the only known copy of the 1962 anti-pornography movie.

The film had been included on a list of lost films, defined as films in which no copy is known to survive, the society said.

The 27 minute anti-pornography and pro-censorship film was produced by the Citizens for Decent Literature and narrated by Heisman Trophy winner Tom Harmon, the society said.

Pages of Death tells the story of a fellow named Paul Halliday, who "hung out reading pornography at Baker's Variety Store until he couldn't stand it any longer and murdered a girl in a whipped up frenzy of smut inspired rage," the society said, quoting Jim Linderman in "Vintage Sleaze.