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7/2/21: SEA vs. TEX open game thread

Related Topics: Casey Sadler, Pythagoras

Look, I don’t want to throw cold water on things tonight, with the Mariners doing their grand re-opening and all the good vibes around the team, but it has to be said: the Mariners have an unfortunate record of coming home hot off a great road trip, threatening to make noise in the standings, and promptly lay the world’s biggest egg directly on home plate at whatever their ballpark is being called at the time. Remember Deadgar Weekend? (TM John) Lollablueza? The slow and agonizing collapse of the 2018 season? Because the North(west) remembers. And looking at this team, they haven’t exactly done a bunch to inspire confidence as they dodge Pythagoras and all his friends (please do not f%$@ us up, Pythagoras).