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40 in 40: AJ Pollock, and rolling the dice on faith

Related Topics: A. J. Pollock

In the official lore of Dungeons & Dragons, the wildly-popular-but-recently-maligned by greed table top RPG, there is a species of creature known as the kuo-toa. The kuo-toa are, for lack of a better word, fishmen. In stark contrast to any Ariel-esque merpeople you might be imagining, the kuo-toa look like this.

Forgotten Realms Wiki via Wizards of the Coast

These bulging-eyed creepazoids typically inhabit the underworlds of coastal cities, or even deeper below ground, engaging in generally debaucherous behavior and smelling quite unpleasant. Based on the part-man, part-piscine creations of H.