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The Cult of SoulCycle

A closer look at the popular fitness company’s community and culture

Emalee Moore
The Santa Clara
April 19, 2018


Walk into any SoulCycle studio and you will witness more or less the same scene found at the Soul Palo location in Palo Alto, Calif.

The all-white walls gleam under fluorescent lights. One side of the room contains sparsely filled racks of exorbitantly priced Le Labo toiletries and apparel with Soul X, the trendy designer-of-the-moment labels. The other side is lined floor-to-ceiling with rows of polaroids containing smiling, yellow t-shirt-clad staff and regulars, barricaded by a tall counter behind which the worker bees in the photos dance and sing along to popremix songs at a decibel so high the lyrics are incomprehensible.