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First Look: Adin Hill’s shark-themed mask is a work of art

Related Topics: Adin Hill, CCM

For the design-inclined, goalie masks can become works of art. All that’s needed is a dose of creativity and an incredible artist, and a stop-worthy masterpiece is born. Maybe not goal stop-worthy (although kick-ass gear helps), but it definitely warrants another look.

San Jose Sharks newcomer Adin Hill’s new mask, created by Friedesigns, a well-known and much-respected goalie mask artist is the perfect example of art on ice (and, with my college degree coming from an Art and Design school, I’m uniquely qualified to talk about his mask).

The CCM mask begins with a deep, nearly black navy base, with steadily lighter shades of teal building a gradient to the crown — almost as if you were swimming up to the surface underwater, with fractals of sunlight drifting through the currents.