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Yes, the Giants are playing Cha-Cha Slide to chase away the seagulls

On the night of March 25, 2019, it happened again. The fans looked at the sky in horror. A wall of white pierced the pitch black night. There was nowhere to hide.

The seagulls had returned to Oracle Park.

That's when the clapping began. Loud, incessant clapping. A chant spurred them on: "Everybody clap your hands." The park filled with the undeniable sounds of DJ Casper AKA Mr. C The Slide Man's anthem "The Cha Cha Slide." Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap. Nearly at once, in formation, the birds flew east past McCovey Cove, disappearing into the darkness, gently into the night.